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1997 and earlier

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  1. Shirshev S.V.
    Molecular immunobiology // Program of Theoretical Specialized Course for Students of Biological Faculty. (Perm): Perm State University, 1997. P. 7.

  2. Shirshev S.V.
    Molecular mechanisms of immunomodulating action of chorionic gonadotropin at the level of T-, and B-lymphocytes of intact spleen // Biochemistry. (Moscow), 1997. N5. P. 603-612.

  3. Bachmetyev B.A. Shilov Ju. I. Shirshev S.V. Kevorkov N.N. Chereshnev V.A. Rayev M.B.
    Peculiarities of the immune system functioning in workers from oil-extracting regions under the conduction of technological nuclear explosions // Issues in Experimental Physiology. (Ekaterinburg - Moscow), 1997. P. 169-179.

  4. Tkachenko A.G. Salakhetdinova O.Ya. Pshenichnov M.R.
    Putrescine and Potassium Exchange between a Cell and Environment as a Factor of Escherichia coli Adaptation to Hyper-Osmotic Shock // Microbiology. Moscow, 1997. V.67 N3. P. 329-334.

  5. Ivshina I.B.
    Regional specialized collection as a source for preservation of alkanotrophic microorganisms' diversity // In: Environmental Pollution: Assessment and Treatment. Ed. P. Read and J. Kinross. Edinburgh, UK, 1997. P. 77-84.

  6. Shirshev S.V.
    Reproduction immunology // Program of Theoretical Specialized Course for Students of Biological Faculty. (Perm): Perm State University, 1997. P. 9.

  7. Ivshina I.B.
    The genus Rhodococcus bacteria: biodiversity, detection, immunoassay. Doctoral thesis. (In Russian). Perm, 1997.

  8. Salachetdinova O.Ja Tkachenko A.G. Pshenichnov M.R.
    The role of putrescine-potassium exchange in the adaptation of Escherichia coli to anaerobic conditions // Environmental pollution: assesment and treatment. Proceedings of the 1995 International Conference of Environmental Pollution (ICEP’95), held in St-Petersburg, Russia 17-24 July, 1995/ Eds. Read P, Kinross J. Edinburg: Department of Biological Sciences Napier University. 1997. P. 59-65.

  9. Shmagel K.V.
    Clinical significance of the determination of alpha-fetoprotein concentration in blood of pregnant in cases unrelated to the presence of open defect of fetal neuraxis // Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (Moscow), 1996. N1. P. 25-28.

  10. Tkachenko A.G. Chudinov A.A. Salakhetdinova O.Ya.
    Distribution of Polyamines in Escherichia coli and their Involvment in Potassium Exchange between the Cell and Environment during Aerobiosis-Anaerobiosis Transitions // Microbiology. Moscow, 1996. V.65.N1. P. 10-14.

  11. Tsoi T.V. Plotnikova E.G. Cole J.R. Stoddard J. Tiedje J.M.
    Engineering coupled reductive ortho- + hydrolytic para-dechlorination gene system for degradation of ortho-, and para-substituted and PCBs // Center for Microbial Ecology. Research findings. Michigan State University, East Lansing, USA, 1996. P. 174-177.

  12. Shirshev S.V.
    Mechanisms of chorionic gonadotropin effect on splenocytes realizing the suppression of humoral immune response // Int.Symposium Immunology of Reproduction. Kiev, 1996. P. 17.

  13. Tkachenko A.G. Salakhetdinova O.Ya. Pshenichnov M.R.
    Role of Putrescine and Potassium Transport in Escherichia coli Adaptation to Ammonium Starvation // Microbiology. Moscow, 1996. V.66. N6. P. 740-744.

  14. Shirshev S.V.
    Role of hormonal-cytokine interactions in the formation of the humoral immune response // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 1995. V 25, N 5.

  15. Saralov A.I. Berdichevskaya M.V. Bannikova O.M.
    Accumulation of polyphosphates at the initial growth phase of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus and Rhodococcus maris // Microbiology. (Moscow), 1995. V.64 N4. P. 446-452.

  16. Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N.
    Betaine modulates intracellular thiol and potassium levels in Escherichia coli in medium with high osmolarity and alkaline pH // Archives Microbiology. 1995. V. 163. P. 76-78.

  17. Shirshev S.V.
    Effect of chorionic gonadotropin preparation in regulation of the functional activity of antigen-specific T lymphocytes-suppressors // Issues in Endocrinology. (Moscow), 1995. V. 41 N5. P. 31-33.

  18. Shirshev S.V.
    Influence of chorionic gonadotropin on splenic suppressor cell functional activity. Possible mechanisms of hormonal signal transduction // International Co-Conferences on Enviromental Pollution (ICEP' 95) and Neuroimmuno Interactions and Environmrnt (ICONE'95). St. Petersburg, Rassia, 1995. P. 172.

  19. Tkachenko A.G. Remennikov V.G. Chudinov A.A. Starkova E.A. Tchurilova N.S.
    Influence of Cultivation Conditions on the Growth, Polyamine Content, and Ultra-Structure of Ectothiorhodospira halophila // Microbiology. Moscow, 1995. V.64. N5. P. 587-591.

  20. Shirshev S.V. Shilov Ju. I. Kevorkov N.N.
    Influence of female sex steroids on the capacity of splenocytes to form an adoptive immune response. Role of prostaglandin F2 alpha in the mechanisms of hormonal immunoregulation // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. 1995. V. 25 N 2. P. 184-187.

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