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1997 and earlier

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  1. Shumkova E.S. Ananjina L.N. Plotnikova E.G.
    Screening and examination of key genes in biphenyl catabolism by bacteria // Herald of Perm State University. Perm, 2008. N 9(25). P. 53-57.

  2. Shmagel K.V.
    Secondary immunodeficiencies // Russian Allergological Journal. (Moscow), 2008. N1 suppl.1. P. 356-358.

  3. Shirshev S.V. Gorbunova O.L.
    Several mechanisms of direct and mediated effects of chorionic gonadotropin controlling the phagocyte activity of leukocytes // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2008. N1. P. 24-29.

  4. Schmidt D.V. Shmagel K.V. Mozgovaya L.A. Belyaeva O.V.
    State of local immunity in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis // Stomatology. (Moscow), 2008. N4. P. 33-38.

  5. Antsiferov V. N. Ivshina I.B. Richkova M.I. Porozova S. E. Pimenova N.V. Karmanov V. I.
    Surface nanostructuring of quartz glass in the presence of the genus Rhodococcus actinobacteria // Nanotechnologies in Russia. 2008. V. 3. N 9-10. P. 633-638.

  6. Solovyh G.N. Ivshina I.B. Shostok E.I.
    The assessment of lysozyme and antilysozyme activities prevalence at actinobacteria sort Rhodococcus // Biology of Inland Waters (In Russian). 2008. N 2 (Supplements). P. 30-34.

  7. Vikhareva E.V. Mishenina I.I. Richkova M.I. Ivshina I.B.
    The effect of additives on paracetamol biodegradation process // Problems of Biological, Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. (In Russian). 2008. N 3. P. 25-28.

  8. Solyanikova I.P. Travkin V.M. Plotnikova E.G. Rybkina D.O. Golovleva L.A.
    Variability of enzyme system of Nocardioform bacteria as a basis of their metabolic activity // Journal of Environmental Science and Health. 2008. V. 43. N 3. P. 241-252.
    Full text>>

  9. Chereshnev V.A. Faizrakhmanov R.R. Gavrilova T.V. Chereshneva M.V. Shilov Ju. I. Rodionov S.Ju.
    The use of profetal for correction of the stress-and trauma-induced changes in the immune response against a xenogeneic antigen in rats with a penetrating wound of the eye // Doklady Biological Sciences. 2007. Volume 417, Issue 1. P. 420 - 422.
    Full text>>

  10. Gavrilova T.V. Berkasova N.L. Shilov Ju. I. Chereshneva M.V. Chereshnev V.A.
    Myelopeptides in treatment for stress- and injury-induced changes in the immune response to a heterologous thymus-dependent antigen in rats with penetrating eye wounds // Doklady Biological Sciences. (Moscow), 2007. Volume 412, Issue 1. P. 8 - 10.
    Full text>>

  11. Ananjina L.N. Plotnikova E.G. Gavrish E.Ju. Demakov V.A. Evtushenko L.I.
    Salinicola socius gen. nov., sp. nov. - a moderately halophilic bacteria of naphthalene-utilizing microbial association // Microbiology. Moscow, 2007. V. 76. N 3.
    Full text>>

  12. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B. Osipenko M.A. Nyashin Yu.I. Tyulenyova A.N. Serebrennikova M.K. Krivoruchko A.V.
    A kinetic model of bacterial cells immobilization process on the solid carrier // Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2007. V.11. N 2. P. 76-84.

  13. Ivshina I.B. Kamenskikh T.N. Anokhin B.A.
    Adaptive mechanisms of alkanotrophic rhodococci survival under unfavorable conditions // Vestnik of Perm University. Biology. (In Russian). 2007. N 5 (10). P. 113-116.

  14. Rayev M.B. Shmagel K.V. Chereshnev V.A.
    Application of carbon nanoparticles in immunodiagnosis // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (Ekaterinburg), 2007. N3(17). P. 59-62.

  15. Demakov V.A. Maksimov A.Ju. Kuznetsova M.V. Ovechkina G.V. Remezovskaya N.B. Maksimova Ju.G.
    Biological diversity of nitrile metabolizing bacteria in anthropogenically modified soil of Perm Krai // Ecology. (Moscow), 2007. N3. P. 185-190.

  16. Maksimov A.Ju. Maksimova Ju.G. Kuznetsova M.V. Olontsev V.F. Demakov V.A.
    Carbon sorbent-based immobilization of Rhodococcus ruber gt1 possessing nitril hydrase activity // Applied Microbiology and Biochemistry. (Moscow), 2007. V.43.N2. P. 193-198.

  17. Tkachenko A.G. Fedotova M.V.
    Dependence of Protective Functions of Polyamines from Escherichia coli on the Intensity of Superoxide Stress // Biochemistry. Moscow, 2007. V. 72, N1. P. 109-116.

  18. Orlova E.G. Shirshev S.V.
    Effect of leptin on the microbicidal activity of human monocytes // Human Physiology. (Moscow), 2007. V. 33 N4. P. 109-113.

  19. Gein S.V. Gavrilova T.V. Chereshnev V.A.
    Effect of myelopeptides on IFN-gamma and IL-4 production by peripheral blood lymphocytes // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2007. V.413 N2. P. 1-3.

  20. Nazarov A.V.
    Effect of oil polluted soil on plants // Herald of Perm State University. Perm, 2007. N 5(10). P. 134-141.

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