Ivshina I.B. Kuyukina M.S. Makarov S.O. Peshkur T.A. Cunningham C.J. Management of crude oil contaminated land in Russia using a risk assessment approach // In: Contaminated Sites. Proc. Int. Conf. “Contaminated Sites”. 29-31 May 2013, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. 2013. P. 51-56.
Ivshina I.B. Tarasova E.V. Osipenko M.A. Nyashin Y.I. Grishko V.V. Gorbunov A.A. Mathematical modeling of biomechanics of the betulin biotransformation process by resting cells of Rhodococcus rhodochrous IEGM 66 // Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2013. V. 17. N. 1 (59). P. 98-108.
Kuklina E.M. Molecular mechanisms of T cell anergy // Biochemistry. (Moscow). 2013. V. 78, N 2. P. 144-156.
Zubareva N. Goncharov A. Solomenny A.P. Multi-Drug Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae and K. oxytoca Strains in Russian Hospitals // Klebsiella Infections: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Clinical Outcomes (Eds: L.A. Pereira and A. Santos). New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2013. P. 209-220.
Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B. Serebrennikova M.K. Rubtsova E.V. Krivoruchko A.V. Simultaneous species-specific PCR detection and viability testing of poly(vinyl alcohol) cryogel-entrapped Rhodococcus spp. after their exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons // Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2013. V. 94. N. 2. P. 135-140.
Ivshina I.B. Kuyukina M.S. Specialized microbial culture collections in Russia as resource centers for biotechnology // Trends Biotechnol. 2013. V. 31. P. 609-611.
Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B. Kamenskikh T.N. Bulicheva M.V. Stukova G.I. Survival of cryogel-immobilized Rhodococcus cells in crude oil-contaminated soil and their impact on biodegradation efficiency // International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2013. V. 84. P. 118-125.
Grishko V.V. Tolmacheva I.A. Galaiko N.V. Pereslavceva A.V. Anikina L.V. Bachmetyev B.A. Volkova L.V. Slepukhin P.A. Synthesis, transformation and biological evaluation of 2,3-secotriterpene acetylhydrazones and their derivatives // European Journal of Medical Chemistry. 2013. V.68. P. 203-211. Full text>>
Rubtsova E.V. Krivoruchko A.V. Yarullina D.R. Bogachev M.I. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B. The effect of physical-chemical properties of rhodococcus actinobacteria on their adhesion to polystyrene and n-hexadecane // Fundamental research. (in Russian). 2013. № 4. P. С. 900-904.
Ivshina I.B. The Russian collection of alkanothrophs: current situation and future perspectives // WFCC Newsletter. 2013. N. 52. P. 6-10.