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  1. Deryabin D.G. Efremova L.V. Vasilchenko A.S. Saidakova E.V. Sizova E.A. Troshin P.A. Zhilenkov A.V. Khakina E.E.
    A zeta potential value determines the aggregate's size of penta-substituted [60] fullerene derivatives in aqueous suspension whereas positive charge is required for toxicity against bacterial ctlls // J. Nanobiotechnology. 2015. V. 13. P. 50-63.

  2. Shilov S.Ju. Zhukova A. E. Petuhova A. A. Barkov S. Ju. Shilov Ju. I.
    Assessment of phagocytic activity of peritoneal cells and white blood cells of rat using markers phagosome acidification pHrodoTM // Russian Journal of Immunology. 2015. Vol. 9(18), Number 2 (1). P. 352-354.

  3. Tarasova E.V. Grishko V.V. Ivshina I.B.
    Betulin biotransformatiom by Rhodococcus actinobacteria // Vestnik of Perm University. Biology. (In Russian). 2015. N. 1. P. 31-40.

  4. Serebrennikova M.K. Tydvaseva M.S. Kuyukina M.S.
    Biological methods of petroleum-contaminated wastewater purification // Vestnik of Perm University. Biology. (In Russian). 2015. N. 1. P. 15-30.

  5. Shilov Ju. I. Godovalov AP Zenkov AL
    Changes of cell-mediated and humoral immune response, absolute cell number and their phagocytic activity in peritoneal cavity at experimental thyrotoxicosis in rats // Front. Immunol. Conference Abstract: IMMUNOCOLOMBIA2015 - 11th Congress of the Latin American Association of Immunology - 10o. Congreso de la Asociación Colombiana de Alergia, Asma e Inmunología. doi: 10.3389/conf.fimmu.2015.05.00098. 2015.
    Full text>>

  6. Shavshukova O.A. Khlyzova L.A. Shilov Ju. I. Shilov S.Ju. Vinogradov A.B. Chetvertnykh V.A.
    Changes of parameters of luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of broiler chickens under conditions of the big battery farm // Russian Journal of Immunology. 2015. Vol. 9 (18), Number 2 (1). P. 348-350.

  7. Shumkova E.S. Olsson B.E. Kudryavtseva A.V. Plotnikova E.G.
    Draft genome sequence of Rhodococcus ruber strain P25, an active polychlorinated biphenyl degrader // Genome Announcements. 2015. V. 3. I.5. e00990-1. (on-line). doi:10.1128/genomeA.00990-15.

  8. Ivshina I.B. Mukhutdinova A.N. Tyumina H.A. Vikhareva H.V. Suzina N.E. El’-Registan G.I.
    Drotaverine hydrochloride degradation using cyst-like dormant cells of Rhodococcus ruber // Current Microbiology. 2015. V. 70. N. 3. P. 307-314. DOI: 10.1007/s00284-014-0718-1.

  9. Loginova N.P. Shilov Ju. I. Shilov D.J. Godovalov A.P. Chetvertnykh V.A.
    Effects of insulin-like growth factor 1 on the cytokine production in thymocyte cultures of children with congenital heart disease // Russian Journal of Immunology. 2015. Vol. 9 (18), Number 3 (1). P. 130-132.

  10. Solomenny A.P. Goncharov A. Zueva L.
    Extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii belonging to the International clonal lineage I in a Russian burn intensive care unit // International Journal Antimicrobial Agents. 2015. Vol. 45 N 5 (May). P. 525-528.

  11. Smirnova G.V. Muzyka N.G. Ushakov V.Y. Tyulenev A.V. Oktyabrsky O.N.
    Extracellular superoxide provokes glutathione efflux from Escherichia coli cells // Research in Microbiology. 2015. V. 166. P. 609-617.

  12. Shagdarova B.Ts. Ilyina A.V. Lopatin S.A. Korobov V.P. Lemkina L. M. Varlamov V.P.
    Formation and characterization of succinoyl chitosan particles loaded with warnerin // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and its Derivatives. 2015. V. XX. P. 246-253.

  13. Loginova N.P. Chetvertnykh V.A. O.V. Lebedinskaya O.V. Shilov Ju. I. Godovalov A.P. Shilov D.Ju. Sukhantseva I.V.
    Functional features T-lymphocytes in children with congenital heart disease // Russian Journal of Immunology. 2015. Vol. 9 (18), Number 2. P. 216-221.
    Full text>>

  14. Shilov S.Ju. Shilov Ju. I.
    Influence of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 on proliferative response of splenocytes of old rats // Russian Journal of Immunology. 2015. Vol. 9 (18), Number 3 (1). P. 243-245.

  15. Orlova E.G. Shirshev S.V. Loginova O.A.
    Leptin and ghrelin regulate dendritic cell maturation and dendritic cell induction of regulatory T-cells // Doklady Biological Science. 2015. Vol.462, № 6. P. 171-174.
    Full text>>

  16. Eroshenko D.V. Korobov V.P.
    New AMPs from Staphylococcus spp., warnerin and hominin, reduce Staphylocococcus epidermidis adhesion and biofilm formation // Multidisciplinary approach for studying and combating microbial pathogens/by ed. A. Mendez-Vilas. BrownWalker Press, 2015. P. 98-101.
    Full text>>

  17. Ivshina I.B. Kuyukina M.S. Krivoruchko A.V. Elkin A.A. Makarov S.O. Cunningham C.J. Peshkur T.A. Atlas R.M. Philp J.C.
    Oil spill problems and sustainable response strategies through new technologies. Critical review // Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts. 2015. V. 17. P. 1201−1219. DOI: 10.1039/c5em00070j.

  18. Solyanikova I.P. Emelyanova E.V. Shumkova E.S. Egorova D.O. Korsakova E.S. Plotnikova E.G. Golovleva L.A.
    Peculiarities of the degradation of benzoate and its chloro- and hydroxy-substituted analogs by Actinobacteria // International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2015. P. 155-164.
    Full text>>

  19. Declerck S. Willems A. van der Heijden M.G.A. Varese G.C. Turkovskaya O.V. Evtushenko L.I. Ivshina I.B. Desmeth P.
    PERN: an EU-Russia initiative for rhizosphere microbial resources // Trends in Biotechnology. 2015. V. 33. N. 7. P. 377−380. DOI: org/10.1016/j.tibtech.2015.03.005.

  20. Mukhutdinova A.N. Richkova M.I. Tyumina H.A. Vikhareva H.V.
    Pharmaceutical compounds based on nitrogen-containing heterocycles as a new class of environmental pollutants. (Review) // Vestnik of Perm University. Biology. (In Russian). 2015. N. 1. P. 65-76.

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