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  • RF Patent 2525943. Kuyukina M.S., Ivshina I.B., Serebrennikova M.K., Rubtsova E,V., Krivoruchko A.V "Method for species differentiation of viable gel-immobilized rhodococci. Priority of 13.05.2013". Registered with the Public Register for Inventions 24.06.2014.

  • RF Patent 2496866. Ivshina I.B., Vikhareva H.V., Richkova M.I., Mukhutdinova A.N., Karpenko Yu.N. "Method of drotaverine hydrochloride biodegradation". Priority of 23.05.2012. Bulletin of inventions No. 30. Registered with the Public Register for Inventions 27.10.2013.

  • RF Patent 2477316. Ivshina I.B., Grishko V.V., Elkin A.A. "Biocatalytic method for production of (R)-methyl phenyl sulfoxide". Application № 2011154122. Priority of 29.12.2011. Registered with the Public Register for Inventions 10.03.2013.

  • RF Patent 2475542. Ivshina I.B., Kuyukina M.S., Krivoruchko A.V., Naimark O.B., Plekhov O.A., Fedorova A.Y. "Method and plant to determine efficiency of adsorption immobilisation of microorganisms and monitoring of functional condition of biocatalysts based on immobilised microbial cells". Priority of 29.12.2011. Registered with the Public Register for Inventions 20.02.2013.

  • RF Patent 2472857. Ivshina I.B., Grishko V.V., Nogovitsina E.M. "Method of producing stigmast-4-en-3-one from beta-sitosterol". Priority of 29.12.2011. Registered with the Public Register for Inventions 20.01.2013.

  • State registration certificate No. 2012618687 of the computer software. Gudkov I.A., Ivshina I.B., Kuyukina M.S., Makarov S.O., Scherbina S.A. "Modular system for calculating the impact of hydrocarbon pollution on human health". Recorded in the register of computer software 24.09.2012.

  • State registration certificate No. 2011617650 of the computer software. Korostina O.A., Osipenko M.A., Nyashin Yu. I., Kuyukina M.S., Ivshina I.B. "Calculation of soil-washing processes for oil- and heavy metal-contaminated soil using a Rhodococcus biosurfactant (“Soil Washing”)". Rightholder: Perm State National Research University, Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Recorded in the register of computer software 30.09.2011.

  • State registration certificate No. 2011611923 of the computer software. Grishkov A.V., Gudkov I.A., Ivshina I.B., Kuyukina M.S., Makarov S.O., Scherbina S.A. "Ecological risk assessment from hydrocarbon contamination impacts (“Ecological risk”)". Rightholder: Perm State University. Recorded in the register of computer software 02.03.2011.

  • State registration certificate No. 2010615181 of the computer software. Osipenko M.A., Nyashin Yu.I., Kuyukina M.S., Ivshina I.B. "Identification of nonpathogenic actinobacteria based on the antibiogram analysis. Software complex “Identification”". Recorded in the register of computer software 11.08.2010.

  • Patent RF № 2388816 "Means for cleaning up contaminated soil from oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in high salinity environments". Nazarov A.V., Plotnikova E.G., Ananjina L.N., Demakov V.A. 10.05.2010.

  • RF Patent 2352635 "Method for production of immobilized biocatalyst, and method for production of aquatic solutions of amides with the use of given biocatalyst", priority of 22.03.2007. Maksimov A.Ju., Demakov V.A., Maksimova Ju.G., Olontsev V.F. 20.04.2009.

  • RF Patent 2325171 "Method of isolation and purification of trophoblast beta-1-glycoprotein". M.B. Rayev, K.V. Shmagel, A.B. Rayev, V.A. Chereshnev, V.A. Demakov, B.A. Bachmetyev 27.05.2008.

  • RF Patent 2314827 "Method for production of conjugate for stereospecific assay", registered 20.01.2008. Rayev M.B. 2008.

  • RF Patent 2325171 "Method for isolation and purification of trophoblast beta1-glycoprotein", registered 27.05.2008. Rayev M.B., Shmagel K.V., Rayev A.B., Chereshnev V.A., Demakov V.A., Bachmetyev B.A. 2008.

  • RF Patent 2298033. Podorozhko E.A., Kuyukina M.S., Ivshina I.B., Philp J.C., Lozinsky V.I. "Formulation of a carrier for immobilized hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms, and a method for carrier production". Priority. 19.04.2005. Registered with the Public Register for Inventions 27.04.2007.

  • RF Patent 2302424 "Method for isolation and purification of alpha-fetoprotein", registered 10.07.2007. Rayev M.B. 2007.

  • RF patent 2292553 "Method for phagocytic activity determination in peripheral blood neutrophils by the extent of bioluminescence inhibition", priority of 10.06.2005, registered 27.01.2007. S.V. Shirshev, E.M. Kuklina, C.A. Zamorina, N.M. Nikitina, I.V. Nekrasova 2007.

  • RF Patent 2006115292/15 (016621) "Method for isolation of retinal S-antigen". L.P. Khorosheva, T.V. Gavrilova, S.V. Sibiryak, V.A. Chereshnev, D.A. Sukhovaya, E.G. Orlova, R.N. Mynkh, S.Ju. Rodionov 03.05.2006.

  • RF Patent 2274654 "Nutrient medium for cultivation of Staphylococcus warneri - a producer of antibacterial factor", priority of 05.08.2004. Korobov V.P., Lemkina L.M., Akimenko V.K., Poludova T.V. 20.04.2006.

  • RF patent 2283131 "Method for production of dry alpha-fetoprotein preparation", registered 10.09.2006. Rodionov SJu., Rayev M.B., Orlova E.G. 2006.

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