Patent RU №2803633 С1 "Method for biodegradation of hydroxylated benzoic acids using Rhodococcus ruber P25 strain". Egorova D.O., Plotnikova E.G. 18.09.2023.
Patent RF № 2639237 "Recombinant DNA plasmid pClcRFP, coding fluorescent protein RFP production for determination of bioavailable chlorinated catechols, their analogs and heavy metals". Shumkov M.S., Shumkova E.S., Korsakova E.S., Boronnikova S.V., Golovleva L.A., Plotnikova E.G. 20.12.2017.
Patent RF № 2628704 "A method for detecting copper ions in the environment and a biosensor for its implementation". Nazarov A.V., Otroshchenko A. A., Korsakova E.S., Boronnikova S.V., Makarikhin I. Yu., Shumkov M.S. 21.08.2017.
Patent RF № 2585537 "Rhodococcus wratislaviensis strain - destructor of persistent toxic organochlorine compounds". Kumi V.V., Tokarev I.P., Makarenko A.A., Nazarov A.V., Egorova D.O., Plotnikova E.G. 27.05.2016.
Patent RF № 156546 "Biosensor for the determination of disodium salt of ortho-phthalate in an aqueous medium". Kuvichkina T.N., Budina D.V., Olkova A.S., Plotnikova E.G., Makarenko A.A., Reshetilov A.N. 10.11.2015.
Patent RF № 2563660. "Method of cleaning of soils contaminated by polychlorinated biphenyls and other toxic compounds". Nazarov A.V., Plotnikova E.G., Egorova D.O., Tokarev I.P., Kumi V.V., Makarenko A.A. 20.09.2015.
Patent RF № 2562156 "Agent for cleaning soils contaminated with hexachlorobenzene, lindane, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane, trillate and phthalates (dibutyl phthalate, dioctyl phthalate)". Nazarov A.V., Plotnikova E.G., Egorova D.O., Tokarev I.P., Kumi V.V., Makarenko A.A. 10.09.2015.
Patent RF № 2388816 "Means for cleaning up contaminated soil from oil and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in high salinity environments". Nazarov A.V., Plotnikova E.G., Ananjina L.N., Demakov V.A. 10.05.2010.
RF Patent 2262531 "Strain of bacteria Rhodococcus ruber - a destructor of polychlorinated biphenyls", priority of 02.12.2003. Plotnikova E.G., Rybkina D.O., Demakov V.A. 20.10.2005.
RF Patent 2249933 "Method for increasing the biomass and survival of plants on oil-contaminated soil". Nazarov A.V., Ilarionov S.A., Kalachnikova I.G. 2005.
RF Patent 2225086 "Method for phytorecultivation of oil-polluted soil". Nazarov A.V., Ilarionov S.A., Kalachnikova I.G., Sergeev V.A., Fuss V.A. 2004.