The influence of reproductive hormones and their physiological combinations on major functions of myeloid cells from human peripheral blood, neutrophils, and monocytes: phagocytosis, oxidative activity, secretion of granular enzymes and cytokines has been studied. The action of reproductive hormones on thymic differentiation of T-lymphocytes and functions of mature peripheral T-cells, such as mitogen-induced proliferation, activating apoptosis, production of major Th1-, and Th2-cytokines has been examined. Principal molecular mechanisms for realization of hormonal effects in different leukocytes taking into account secondary messengers adenylate cyclase, Ca2+- dependent and phosphoinositide, and also the system of Na+ /K+ - transport have been determined;
Regulatory mechanisms for operon lum+ being incorporated into E.coli commune genome, and factors determining the stability and extent of luminescence have been studied. Directional selection resulted in obtaining the sensor variant that was successfully used for industrial production of indicatory system for detection of toxicants;
Novel concepts for control of the immune system by placental hormones and cytokines under physiological pregnancy have been developed.