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<< Васк | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
  1. Gein S.V. Simonenko T.A. Tendryakova S.P.
    The effects of rotation stress on the parameters of the immunity. The role of opiate receptors // Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology. (Moscow), 2004. V. 34 N 9. P. 935-938.

  2. Korobov V.P.
    Warnerin - novel lanthionine-containing peptide: structure, properties, antibacterial action // Current State and Prospects for the Development of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference. (Minsk), 2004. P. 240-242.

  3. Korobov V.P. Demakova E.V. Lemkina L. M.
    Determination of gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration and activity of glutamatdecarboxylase in blood serum of patients with multiple sclerosis. // Clin.Lab.Diagn. (Moscow), 2003. 4. P. 15-17.

  4. Korobov V.P. Lemkina L. M. Poludova T.V. Titova A.V. AkimenkoN.K.
    New antibacterial peptide from lantibiotic family: isolation, physical-chemical properties, and inhibition of Gram-positive bacteria growth. // 7-th Internat. Workshop-Presentation of Innovation Scientific and Technical Projects “Biotechnology-2003” . Pushchino, Russia, 2003.

  5. Gein S.V. Simonenko T.A. Tendryakova S.P.
    Effect of rotation stress on the immune parameters. Role of opiate receptors // Issues in Endocrinology. (Moscow), 2003. N6. P. 56-58.

  6. Korobov V.P.
    Low-molecular weight bacterial peptides: prospects for use to suppress infectious agents // In: "Liquidation and Elimination of Infectious Diseases - Success and Issues. Pasteur Ideas in Struggle against Infections. Abstracts to the International Congress. (St.-Petersburg), 2003. P. 168-168.

  7. Korobov V.P. Lemkina L. M. Poludova T.V. Solovykh G.N. Karnaukhova I.V. Pavlova M.M.
    Lysozyme of bivalve mollusk Unio pictorum // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2003. V.391 N1. P. 1-3.

  8. Korobov V.P. Lemkina L. M. Poludova T.V.
    Production of broad-spectrum antibacterial factor by Staphylococcus warneri cells // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2003. V.390 N5. P. 1-3.

  9. Korobov V.P. Karnaukhova I.V. Solovykh G.N. Minakova V.V. Lemkina L. M. Poludova T.V.
    To the issue of aminoacid composition and molecular mass of lysozymes of different origin // In: Biochemistry: from study of molecular mechanisms to introduction into clinical practice and production. Abstracts to the Inter-regional Conference. 2003. P. 96-100.

  10. Korobov V.P. Lemkina L. M. Titova A.V. Mekhanoshina I.I.
    Alteration in antibiotic sensitivity of staphylococci under the effect of peptide antibacterial factor // Antibiotics and Chemotherapy. (Moscow), 2002. N2. P. 11-15.

  11. Gavrilova T.V. Gein S.V. Shilov Ju. I. Chereshnev V.A. Chereshneva M.V. Mikhailova A.A.
    Effect of myelopeptides of phagocyte cell functions under experimental penetrating eye injury // Allergology and Immunology. (Moscow), 2002. V.3 N3. P. 406-416.

  12. Ivshina I.B. Peshkur T.A. Korobov V.P.
    Effective uptake of cesium ions by Rhodococcus cells // Microbiology (Mikrobiologiya). 2002. V. 71. N 3. P. 357-361.

  13. Korobov V.P.
    Low-molecular weight cationic peptides of Gram-positive bacteria: biological activity and prospects for practical use // Microbiology and Biotechnology in XXI Century. Abstracts to the International Conference. (Minsk), 2002. P. 179-180.

  14. Gavrilova T.V. Gein S.V. Shilov Ju. I. Mikhailova A.A. Chereshneva M.V. Chereshnev V.A.
    Effect of myelopeptides on the parameters of oxygen-dependent bactericidity of circulating pool of phagocyte cells in NBT-test under experimental penetrating eye injury // Immunology. (Moscow), 2001. N6. P. 37-41.

  15. Shilov Ju. I. Gein S.V. Chereshnev V.A.
    Influence of blockade of beta-adrenoreceptors and acute stress on antibody formation, delayed-type hypersensitivity, phagocytic cell activity in local immune response // Russian Journal of Immunology. 2001. Volume 6, N 3. P. 301-308.
    Full text>>

  16. Shilov Ju. I. Gein S.V.
    Adrenergic regulation of lymphocyte proliferative response in cultures with T-cell mitogens // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Moscow), 1999. Volume 128, Issue 2. P. 839-842.
    Full text>>

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