Production of low-molecular cationic peptide antibacterial factor in cultures of relatively rare staphylococcal species S. warneri under the growth on enriched media has been determined. Peptide factor that was termed «warnerin» was isolated in homogenous state, and characterized as a novel member of lantibiotic family with molecular mass 2999;
Inhibiting action of warnerin on the growth of various Gram-positive bacteria both sensitive and resistant to antibiotics was shown;
Screening of 130 strains from Regional Specialized Collection of Alkanotrophic Microorganisms IEGM UB RAS for plasmid occurrence revealed that most frequently plasmids were detected in Rhodococcus ruber strains. In R. opacus, R. erythropolis, R. maris, and R. longus and also in G. rubropertinctus and G. terrae plasmid content varied within 1-5%;
The regularities for the influence of the growth medium components on bacterial ultra-structure, the level of synthesis and composition of surfactants that were produced both by initial and mutant Rhodococcus strains have been determined;
It was found that limitation by nitrogen lowered the level of biosurfactant synthesis by 25-40%. Most marked changes in the production and content of surfactants were manifested in mutant bacterial strains with disturbed mechanisms of adaptation to hydrocarbon nutrients. Cytoplasm of mutant bacteria comprised the inclusions and complex network of membrane structures.