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  1. Stukova G.I. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B.
    Antiadhesive activity of Rhodococcus biosurfactant against gram negative and gram positive bacteria // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (In Russian). 2011. № 4/1 (38). P. 55-56.

  2. Tarasova E.V. Grishko V.V. Ivshina I.B.
    Biocatalytic production of 3-oxobetulin, a key intermediate in the synthesis of pharmacologically active compounds // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (In Russian). 2011. № 4/1 (38). P. 203-205.

  3. Nogovitsina Ye. Grishko V.V. Ivshina I.B.
    Biocatalytic synthesis of pharmacology perspective stigmast-4-en-3-one using rhodococci cells // Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry. 2011. V. 37. N. 5. P. 626-633.

  4. Shlyapina Yu.N. Stepina A.S. Kamenskikh T.N. Ivshina I.B.
    Conservation techniques for Rhodococcus collection cultures // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (In Russian). 2011. № 4/1 (38). P. 88-89.

  5. Serebrennikova M.K. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B. Shasherina A.N. Osipenko M.A.
    Mathematical model of Rhodococcus cells immobilization process in a column bioreactor // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (In Russian). 2011. № 4/1 (38). P. 181-182.

  6. Ivshina I.B. Kuyukina M.S. Krivoruchko A.V. Elkin A.A. Fedorova A.V. Plekhov O.A. Naimark O.B.
    Multi-functional biocatalysts produced using the potential of the alkanotrophs’collection // In: Innovative Biotechnology in EurAsEc countries. Minsk: Beloruskouya Navuka, 2011. P. 105–119. ISBN 978-985-08-1336-7.

  7. Elkin A.A. Kylosova T.I. Grishko V.V. Ivshina I.B.
    Production of optically active sulfoxides using a biocatalyst based on immobilized Rhodococcus rhodochrous IEGM 66 cells // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (In Russian). 2011. № 4/1 (38). P. 195-196.

  8. Mukhutdinova A.N. Richkova M.I. Vikhareva E.V. Ivshina I.B.
    Respiration activity of Rhodococcus erythropolis IEGM 767 in acetaminophen biodegradation // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (In Russian). 2011. № 4/1 (38). P. 178-180.

  9. Novoselova N.N. Ananina L.N. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B.
    Taxonomic revision using 16s rRNA gene analysis of actinobacterial cultures maintained in the Regional specialized collection of alkanotrophic microorganisms // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (In Russian). 2011. № 4/1 (38). P. 43-44.

  10. Korostina O.A. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B. Kostina L.V. Osipenko M.A. Nyashin Y.I.
    The use of the application package for solving the problems concerning oil-and heavy metal-contaminated soil washing by means of biosurfactant // Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2011. V. 15. N 3 (53). P. 72-77.

  11. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B.
    Rhodococcus biosurfactants: biosynthesis, properties and potential applications // In: Microbiology Monographs. Ed. A. Steinbuchel. Dordrecht; London; New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010. V. 16. P. 292-313.

  12. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B.
    Application of Rhodococcus in bioremediation of contaminated environments // In: Microbiology Monographs. Ed. A. Steinbuchel. Dordrecht; London; New York: Springer-Verlag, 2010. V. 16. P. 231-262.

  13. Kostina L.V. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B.
    Biosorption, accumulation and methods for heavy metal recovery. (In Russian). LAP LAMBERT ISBN: 978-3-8433-0174-9. Academic Publishing, 2010. 254 p.

  14. Elkin A.A. Kylosova T.I. Grishko V.V. Ivshina I.B.
    Biotransformation of alkyl aril sulfides by Rhodococcus rhodochrous IEGM 66 // Vestnik of Perm University. Biology. (In Russian). 2010. N 1. P. 27-31.

  15. Kamenskikh T.N. Kalashnikova E.A. Ivshina I.B.
    Cryoconservation features of alkanotrophic actinobacteria of the genus Rhodococcus // Vestnik of Perm University. Biology. (In Russian). 2010. N 1. P. 15-20.

  16. Chereshnev V.A. Gein S.V. Bayeva T.A. Galkina T.V. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B.
    Modulation of cytokine secretion and oxidative metabolism of innate immune effectors by Rhodococcus biosurfactant // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny). 2010. V. 149. N 6. P. 734-738.

  17. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B. Serebrennikova M.K.
    Optimization of the immobilization process for alkanotrophik rhodococci on a sawdust carrier in the column bioreactor // Vestnik of Perm University. Biology. (In Russian). 2010. N 1. P. 69-72.

  18. Nogovitsina Ye.M. Tarasova Ye.V. Grishko V.V. Ivshina I.B.
    Stigmast-4-ene-3-one formation from ß-sitostetol using actinobacteria of the genus Rhodococcus // Vestnik of Perm University. Biology. 2010. N 1. P. 64-68.

  19. Bayeva T.A. Galkina T.V. Gein S.V. Kuyukina M.S. Ivshina I.B.
    Role of biosurfactant glycolipid complex of R. ruber IEGM 231 in modify of proinflamatory cytokines secretion of innate immunity effectors // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (In Russian). 2009. N 2/1. P. 17-18.

  20. Vikhareva E.V. Selyaninov A.A. Danilov Yu.L. Rudakova I.P. Necheukhina T.A. Ivshina I.B. Nyashin Yu.I.
    A mathematical model of paracetamol biodegradation process as an open system // Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2008. V. 12. N 2 (40). P. 40-52.

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