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About Laboratory

Head of laboratory: Academician of RAS
Ivshina Irina B.

Phone: +7 (342) 280 81 14 E-mail: ivshina@iegm.ru

The laboratory, established in 1988, is dedicated to conducting studies on microbial diversity, microbial ecology, and biotechnology. This work aligns with the state task of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, focusing on the topic “Biodiversity of microorganisms from anthropogenically disturbed ecosystems and functional genetic mechanisms of their adaptation to stressful environmental conditions”. The research priorities of the laboratory have received validation through grants from the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for the years 2019–2027, the Russian Scientific Foundation, the "UMNIK" program, and the Subsidy Program supporting research projects carried out by international research teams at state educational institutions of higher professional education and/or scientific organizations in Perm Krai (MIG). Within the division, there exists the Regional Specialised Collection of Alkanotrophic Microorganisms (acronym IEGM, the World Federation of Culture Collections #285, http://www.iegmcol.ru). The IEGM collection is recognized as a Unique Scientific Installation (UNU registry number 73559), has the status of a highly efficient CKP (registry number 480868). It is also included in the National Registry of Scientific Infrastructure Facilities of the Russian Federation and a network of Russian collections of microorganisms with a consolidated database and a consolidated interactive electronic catalogue (http://www.vkm.ru/Cosolidated.htm).

There are 12 full-time employees, including 8 researchers (3 Doctors of Science (Biology) and 3 Doctors of Philosophy), 3 engineers, and 2 laboratory assistants. Leveraging the laboratory’s advanced facilities, 8 PhD students are currently engaged in their respective PhD projects.

During 2019–2023, the laboratory achieved significant scholarly output, including the publication of a total of 60 research articles, reviews, and book chapters in both Russian and international journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus citation systems (Microbiology, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, Ecology, Russian Journal of Biomechanics, Applied Science, Catalysts, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Frontiers in Microbiology, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Microorganisms, Molecules, Nanomaterials, Pathogens, Pharmaceuticals, PLoS ONE, Scientific Reports, and others). Additionally, the laboratory has contributed to the academic landscape with the publication of 2 monographs. Over this period, the team successfully obtained 11 patents for inventions and certificates for computer software within the Russian Federation. The academic achievements extend to the successful defense of 3 PhD dissertations (Cheremnykh K.M., 01.01.2019; Tyumina E.A., 20.12.2019; Luchnikova N.A., 15.12.2023) and 1 Doctoral dissertation (Krivoruchko A.V., 09.12.2021). The scientific articles and dissertations summarize the results of extensive research on the regulatory mechanisms of adaptive reactions of microorganisms to both inorganic and organic ecotoxicants. The work also presents novel insights into key functional genes and their expression in extreme environmental conditions. Moreover, the practical applications of microorganisms in diverse fields of biotechnology are explored, ranging from the production of targeted bioactive products to the development of technologies for environmental protection.

In detail about laboratory>>

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