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  • It was formulated and experimentally confirmed the hypothesis according to which the system of polyamine synthesis was considered as an alternative mechanism for energetic coupling that was functioning under stress;

  • The role of polyamines in microbial protection from different classes of antibiotics was examined within the project of oriented fundamental investigations of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research “Development of the principles for the prevention of multiple antibiotic resistances in microorganisms based on the regulation of the activity of polyamine synthesis system”. It is shown that the basis for the polyamine effect serve at least three mechanisms which action results in the elevation of the resistance level relatively to the antibiotics that are transported via porin channels (fluoroquinolones, -lactams): (1) positive modulation of micF gene transcription which product, anti-sense RNA inhibits the porin protein synthesis at a translation level; (2) positive effect on the intracellular content of the S factor of multi-stressor resistance that is accompanied by decline in porin transport through the inhibition of ompF transcription and the induction of the cadaverine synthesis; (3) direct inhibiting action on the transport activity of porin channels. Response reaction to the action of different classes of antibiotics is manifested in that in E. coli cells the production of cadaverine is significantly increased that could be the evidence for the oxidative stress. Based on the study of the mechanisms of microbial protection from antibiotics with the involvement of polyamines the recommendations have been worked out that could serve the basis for the optimization of therapeutic protocol for antibiotic application, as well as measures for the improvement of bactericidal action of antibacterial means for the control of nosocomial infectious agents. The recommendations cover the combination of conventional protocols with the measures directed to the restriction or suppression of the protective polyamine function in microorganisms.

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