Shirshev S.V. Kuklina E.M. Regulation of oxidative potential of neutrophils by reproduction hormones depending on the level of cell activation // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2005. V. 401 N6. P. 825-828.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Reproduction hormones in control of Th1/Th2 cytokine balance // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2005. N3. P. 1-8.
Shirshev S.V. Kuklina E.M. Control of T lymphocyte apoptosis by reproductive hormones // 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS (July 18-23)/
CIM.Clinical and Investigative Medici¬ne. Medecine clinique et experimentale. Montreal, Canada, 2004. V.27. №4. P. 64A (M4.59).
Kevorkov N.N. Bachmetyev B.A. Shirshev S.V. Ecological immunology: reality and prospects // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (Ekaterinburg), 2004. N4. P. 36-42.
Bachmetyev B.A. Shirshev S.V. Krasnykh M.S. Effect of exogenous thyroxin on individual stages of the formation of humoral and cell-mediated immune reactions // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (Ekaterinburg), 2004. N2. P. 8-11.
Orlova E.G. Shirshev S.V. Molecular mechanisms of adrenergic control of phagocyte functions // Advances in Current Biology. (Moscow), 2004. V. 124 N4. P. 342-353.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Sharova N.I. Yarilin A.A. Regulation of thymocyte differentiation by reproductive hormones // 12th International Congress of Immunology and 4th Annual Conference of FOCIS (July 18-23)
CIM.Clinical and Investigative Medicine. Medecine clinique et ex¬perimentale. Montreal, Canada, 2004. V.27. №4. P. P.32D (Th24.20).
Shirshev S.V. Zamorina S.A. Role of CD14-associated molecules in immunomodulating activity of chorionic gonadotropin // Proccedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2004. V. 395 N2. P. 277-279.
Shirshev S.V. Zamorina S.A. Krapivina O.A. Role of chorionic gonadotropin in regulation of cytokine production and phagocyte activity of monocytes // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (Ekaterinburg), 2004. N2. P. 82-86.
Shirshev S.V. Bachmetyev B.A. Gorbunova O.L. Role of reproductive hormones in the formation of cell-mediated, humoral immune reactions and phagocyte activity of leukocytes // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (Ekaterinburg), 2004. N2. P. 77-81.
Zamorina S.A. Shirshev S.V. Several aspects of monocyte-modulating action of chorionic gonadotropin // Herald of Perm State University. (Perm), 2004. issue 2 (Biology). P. 169-173.
Shilov Ju. I. Lanin D.V. Shirshev S.V. Effect of hydrocortisone on peripheral blood phagocytic cells under beta-adrenoreceptors blockade // Rossiĭskii fiziologicheskiĭ zhurnal imeni I.M. Sechenova (Ross. Fiziol. Zh. Im. I. M. Sechenova). (Moscow), 2003. Vol. 89, N 5. P. 543-550. Full text>>
Lopatina V.A. Shirshev S.V. Alterations in several parameters of the immune status and cortisol level under recurrent obstructive bronchitis in children. Immunocorrection by polyoxidonium // Medical Immunology. (Moscow), 2003. V. 5 N5-6. P. 555-562.
Shirshev S.V. Bachmetyev B.A. Chereshnev V.A. Lopatina L.A. Zamorina S.A. Lyalina O.G. Assessment of the Immune Status of Women Working in the Potassium Salt Industry and Their Children // Russian Journal of Ecology. 2003. V. 34 N 6. P. 432-437.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Sharova N.I. Yarilin A.A. Effect of chorionic gonadotropin on thymocyte differentiation in presence of thymic epithelial cells // Russian Journal of Developmental Biology. 2003. V. 34 N1. P. 48-54.
Shirshev S.V. Bachmetyev B.A. Chereshnev V.A. Lopatina V.A. Zamorina S.A. Lyalina O.G. Evaluation of the immune status in women working in potassium production, and their children // Ecology. (Moscow), 2003. N6. P. 472-477.
Shirshev S.V. Chereshnev V.A. Zamorina S.A. Lopatina V.A. Monitoring of the immune system state in workers of potassium industry // Ecology. (Moscow), 2003. N2. P. 140-146.
Shirshev S.V. Placental cytokine network // Advances in Current Biology. (Moscow), 2003. V. 123 N4. P. 350-364.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Regulation of oxidative activity of neutrophils by chorionic gonadotropin. Role of female sex hormones // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Biological series). (Moscow), 2003. N4. P. 399-404.
Shirshev S.V. Kuklina E.M. Yarilin A.A. Reproduction hormones in regulation of neutrophil apoptosis // Biochemistry. (Moscow), 2003. V. 68 N6. P. 840-848.