Shirshev S.V. Kuklina E.M. Role of cAMP and cyclooxygenase of neutrophils in regulation of the proliferative activity of T-lymphocytes // Biochemistry. (Moscow), 2001. V. 66 N9. P. 1221-1226.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Role of NFAT transcription factors in immune response // Biochemistry. (Moscow), 2001. V. 66 N5.
Shirshev S.V. Lopatina V.A. Koryukina I.P. Ivanova A.S. Assessment of immunomodulating effects of sublingual introduction of polyoxidonium in children suffering from broncho-obstructive syndrome // Immunology. (Moscow), 2000. N5. P. 53-55.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. cAMP-dependent signal transduction in control of T-lymphocyte activation // Biochemistry. (Moscow), 2000. V. 65 N6. P. 741-752.
Shirshev S.V. Lopatina V.A. Koryukina I.P. Ivanova A.S. Characterization of polyoxidonium immunomodulating effects in children suffering from recurrent obstructive bronchitis // Immunology. (Moscow), 2000. N4. P. 54-57.
Shirshev S.V. Immunobiological peculiarities of placental antigens // Advances in Current Biology. (Moscow), 2000. V. 120 N3. P. 279-290.
Chereshnev V.A. Kevorkov N.N. Bachmetyev B.A. Shirshev S.V. Shilov Ju. I. Shmagel K.V. Demakov V.A. Chereshneva M.V. Rayev M.B. Tuzankina I.A. Osipenko A.V. Korolevskaya L.B. Starkova E.A. Badanina O.N. Shirsheva I.V. Physiology of the immune system and ecology // Allergy, Asthma and Cilinical Immunology. (Moscow), 2000. N8. P. 21-27.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Role of cAMP-dependent signal transduction in the cintrol of T lymphocyte activation // Biochemistry (Moscow). 2000. V.65, № 6. P. 629-639.
Shirshev S.V. Kuklina E.M. Role of estradiol in gonadotropin-dependent regulation of neutrophil functions // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2000. V. 375. P. 218-220.
Shirshev S.V. Zamorina S.A. Lyalina O.G. Significance of potassium in monocyte-regulating action of chorionic gonadotropin // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Moscow), 2000. V. 130 N11. P. 566-569.
Shirshev S.V. Mechanisms of immune control of reproduction processes. (Ekaterinburg): Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1999. P. 381.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Modulation of the neutrophil functional activity by chorionic gonadotropin // Cytology. (Moscow), 1999. V. 41 N6. P. 316-320.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Sharova N.I. Yarilin A.A. Role of chorionic gonadotropin in human thymocyte differentiation // Ontogeny. (Moscow), 1999. V. 30 N5. P. 292-297 (341-345).
Shirshev S.V. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of immunomodulating action of chorionic gonadotropin // Advances in Current Biology. (Moscow), 1998. V. 118 N1. P. 69-85.
Shirshev S.V. Dependence of cAMP intracellular level of intact splenocytes on the population composition of cell suspension and activity of cyclooxygenase // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Moscow), 1998. V. 125 N6. P. 666-669.
Rayev M.B. Tendryakova S.P. Chereshnev V.A. Bachmetyev B.A. Kevorkov N.N. Shilov Ju. I. Shirshev S.V. Korolevskaya L.B. Chereshneva M.V. Starkova E.A. Ecology induced immune disorders // Physiological Medicine
III International congress of pathophysiology (28 June-3 July 1998), Lahti, Finland. 1998. V.5, № 1001. P. 144-144.
Shirshev S.V. Kuklina E.M. Effects of chorionic gonadotropin on the functional activity of human neutrophils // 6th International expert forum of immunotherapy and gene therapy, Florence,Italy (6-8 May 1998). 1998. P. A026.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. Effects of chorionic gonadotropin on the respiratory burst in human neutrophils // Physiological Medicine
III International congress of pathophysiology (28 June-3 July, Lahti, Finland). 1998. V.5, № 1001. P. 70-70.
Kuklina E.M. Sharova N.I. Shirshev S.V. Yarilin A.A Effects of human chorionic gonadotropin on the thymocyte differentiation; involving of a1-thymosin // 6th International expert forum of immunotherapy and gene therapy, Florence,Italy (6-8 May 1998). 1998. P. A025.