Role of leptin and ghrelin in induction of differentiation of IL-17-producing and T-regulatory cells
We studied isolated and combined effects of leptin and ghrelin on the formation of IL-producing and T-regulatory cells. Leptin in concentrations comparable with its normal blood concentration during pregnancy (trimester II-III) promotes differentiation of peripheral blood CD4(+) cells to IL-17-producing cells and enhances IL-17A production, but suppresses the formation of T-regulatory cells in vitro. In contrast, ghrelin in a concentration typical of trimester I-II of pregnancy reduces the number of IL-17-producing cells, but stimulated the formation of T-regulatory cells. The effects of leptin and ghrelin in combination typical of trimester I-II of pregnancy stimulated the formation of T-regulatory cells, while in combination typical of trimester II-III did not shift the balance of T-regulatory cells and IL-17-producing cells, but stimulated the formation of IL-17A. We conclude that leptin and ghrelin play an important role in the maintenance of the balance of IL-17-producing and T-regulatory cells during pregnancy.