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Публикации | Publications
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  1. Shmagel K.V.
    Steriod hormones during pregnancy: their physiological role and diagnostic significance in obstetrics // A Circular (approved by Health Care Department at the Administration of Perm Region). (Perm), 2002. P. 16.

  2. Porosova S.E. Bekker V.Ya. Ivshina I.B. Karmanov V.I. Richkova M.I.
    Structural changes of alumosilicate materials in the presence of Rhodococcus sensu stricto // Russian J. of Appl. Chem. (Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii). 2002. V. 75. Iss. 3. P. 432-435.

  3. Solodnikov S.Ju. Miles G.D. Krasnykh O.P. Gun E.A. Naser S.A. Konukhova N.A. Denisov V.E. Shilov Ju. I.
    Synthesis, anti-thrombin activity and anti-tubercular activity of 2-hydrazine derivatives of acylpyruvic acid methyl ethers // Chemical-Pharmaceutical Journal. (Moscow), 2002. V. 36 N5. P. 10-11.

  4. Bachmetyev B.A. Agafonova A.V.
    The Relationships between the Pagocytic Activities of Arterial, Capillary, and Venous Blood Leukocytes in Normal and Pathological States // Doklady Biological Sciences. 2002. V. 384 N 3. P. 415-417.

  5. Shmagel K.V.
    Trophoblastic beta1-glycoprotein: its physiological role during pregnancy and diagnostic significance in obstetrics // A Circular (approved by Health Care Department at the Administration of Perm Region). (Perm), 2002. P. 11.

  6. Kumalanina I.V. Shilov Ju. I. Bolotova M.F.
    Analysis of alterations in particular parameters of the immune system in celiac disease during incomplete clinical-laboratory remission // Immunopathology, Allergology, Infectology. (Moscow), 2001. N3. P. 20-26.

  7. Plotnikova E.G. Yastrebova O.V. Kosheleva I.A. Puntus I.F. Filonov A.E. Gavrish E.Ju. Demakov V.A. Boronin A.M.
    Bacteria-destructors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons isolated from soil and bottom sediments of the region of salt-mining // Microbiology. Moscow, 2001. N 1. P. 61-69.

  8. Plotnikova E.G. Yastrebova O.V. Rybkina D.O. Demakov V.A.
    Destruction of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated biphenyls with soil microorganisms // Proceedings from the International Workshop: Research/Technical Potential of the West Ural in Conversion of Military-Industrial Complex. Perm, 2001. P. 325-329.

  9. Rayev M.B. Plaksin D.Ju. Kevorkov N.N. Chereshnev V.A.
    Development of novel test-systems for non-instrumental determination of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 // Proceedings from the International Workshop "Scientific and Technical Potential of the West Ural in the Field of Conversion of Military-Industrial Complex". (Perm), 2001. P. 333-337.

  10. Safonova G.M. Shilov Ju. I. Klein S.V.
    Effect of ACD fraction-2 preparation on murine humoral immune response and hemogram parameters // Herald of Perm State University. (Perm), 2001. issue 2. P. 214-219.

  11. Shilov Ju. I. Lanin D.V. Shirshev S.V.
    Effect of hydrocortisone on functions of circulating pool of phagocytes under beta-adrenoreceptor blockade // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2001. V. 379 N5. P. 824-826.

  12. Shilov Ju. I. Lanin D.V.
    Effect of hydrocortisone on phagocyte functions in rat peritoneal cavity under beta-adrenoreceptor blockade // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Moscow), 2001. V. 131 N10. P. 439-442.

  13. Gavrilova T.V. Gein S.V. Shilov Ju. I. Mikhailova A.A. Chereshneva M.V. Chereshnev V.A.
    Effect of myelopeptides on the parameters of oxygen-dependent bactericidity of circulating pool of phagocyte cells in NBT-test under experimental penetrating eye injury // Immunology. (Moscow), 2001. N6. P. 37-41.

  14. Shilov Ju. I. Shilov D.Ju.
    Effect of promotion of beta-adrenergic receptors in vitro with terbutaline sulfate on phagocyte activity of rat neutrophils, monocytes, and eosinophils // Herald of Perm State University. (Perm), 2001. issue 4.

  15. Shirshev S.V. Lopatina V.A.
    Evaluation of immunomodulating effect of polyoxidonium in children suffering from recurrent obstructive bronchitis al the level of phenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes // Herald of Perm State University. (Perm), 2001. issue 4 (biology). P. 208-213.

  16. Kevorkov N.N. Bachmetyev B.A. Chereshnev V.A. Shirshev S.V.
    Examination of the functional state of the immune system and the development of methods of immune correcting therapy for the employees of the defense industry (leveling of unfavorable effects of ionizing radiation and toxic chemical compounds on a human body) // Proceedings from the International Workshop "Scientific and Technical Potential of the West Ural in the Field of Conversion of Military-Industrial Complex". (Perm), 2001. P. 231-235.

  17. Chereshneva M.V. Shilov Ju. I. Badanina O.N. Chereshnev V.A. Kevorkov N.N. Ponomaryova T.B. Shilov S.Ju.
    Immunocorrection under eye injury. (Ekaterinburg): Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001. P. 147.

  18. Chereshnev V.A. Kevorkov N.N. Bachmetyev B.A. Shirshev S.V. Shilov Ju. I. Shmagel K.V. Demakov V.A. Rayev M.B. Korolevskaya L.B. Starkova E.A. Shirsheva I.V.
    Industrial environment and the immune system // Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews. (Moscow), 2001. V. 1 N 3-4. P. 147-152.
    Full text>>

  19. Chereshnev V.A. Kevorkov N.N. Bachmetyev B.A. Shirshev S.V. Shilov Ju. I. Shmagel K.V. Demakov V.A. Rayev M.B. Korolevskaya L.B. Starkova E.A. Shirsheva I.V.
    Industrial environment and the immune system // Clin.Appl.Immunol.Rev. 2001. V.1, N3-4. P. 147-152.

  20. Shilov Ju. I. Gein S.V. Chereshnev V.A.
    Influence of blockade of beta-adrenoreceptors and acute stress on antibody formation, delayed-type hypersensitivity, phagocytic cell activity in local immune response // Russian Journal of Immunology. 2001. Volume 6, N 3. P. 301-308.
    Full text>>

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