Plotnikova Elena G. Dr. Sc. (Biology), Head of the Laboratory of Technogenic Ecosystems Microbiology, professor of the Perm State University
Egorova Daria O. Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Technogenic Ecosystems Microbiology, assistant professor of the Perm State University
Nazarov Aleksei V. Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Laboratory of Technogenic Ecosystems Microbiology, assistant professor of the Perm State University
Yastrebova Olga V. Researcher of the Laboratory of Laboratory of Technogenic Ecosystems Microbiology
Anan’ina Ludmila N. Senior researcher of the Laboratory of Laboratory of Technogenic Ecosystems Microbiology
Korsakova Ekaterina S. Researcher of the Laboratory of Laboratory of Technogenic Ecosystems Microbiology, assistant professor of the Perm State University