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Plotnitskaya (Luchnikova) Natalia A.

Plotnitskaya (Luchnikova) Natalia A.

Subdivision: Laboratory of alkanotrophic microorganisms

Post: Senior Researcher

Tutuls: PhD

Phone: +7(342) 280 81 14; E-mail: luchnikova.n@mail.ru

Academic degree: PhD


2016 – Graduated from the Biology Faculty, Perm State University. Bachelor's degree. Biodegradation of dehydroabietic acid by actinobacteria.

2018 – Graduated with honors from the Biology Faculty, Perm State University. Master’s degree. Biodegradation of dehydroabietic acid using rhodococci.

2018 – PhD student (Microbiology, Biological Sciences). Scientific supervisor: Prof. Ivshina I.B., member to the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2023 – PhD thesis. Transformation of oleanane type pentacyclic triterpenoids using Rhodococcus actinomycetes.

Scientific interests:

Actinobacteria of the genus Rhodococcus, biodegradation, biotransformation, bioconversion, polycyclic terpenoids, biologically active compounds.

Scientific societies and academies:

Interregional Russian Microbiological Society.

Awards - premium, scientific ranks:

Fellowship of President of Russian Federation for students and postgraduates studying in areas corresponding to the priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy, 2020-2021.

Fellowship of Government of Russian Federation for students and postgraduates studying in areas corresponding to the priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy, 2020.

Silver medal at the 4th Istanbul International Scientific Inventions Fair ISIF'19 for the RF patent "Biodegradation of Dehydroabietic Acid by Rhodococcus rhodochrous IEGM 107", 22.09.2019.

Fellowship of Goverment of Russian Federation for students and postgraduates studying in areas corresponding to the priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy, 2019.

Certificate for an internship at the IC "Biryuch" for the report at the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Biotechnology: Science and Practice", 20.09.2018.

Fellowship of Endowment Fund of Perm University, 2018.

First degree diploma for the report at the 22nd International Pushchino School-Conference of Young Scientists "Biology - Science of the XXI Century", 24.04.2018.

Second degree diploma for the report at the III All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum "Science of the Future - Science of the Young", 14.09.2017.

Second degree diploma for the report at the XXI International Student Ecological Conference "Ecology of Russia and Adjacent Territories", 30.11.2016.

First degree diploma for the report at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Science-Intensive Biomedical Technologies: From Fundamental Research to Implementation", 07.07.2016.

The Perm Krai II grade award for the best scientific work in the section "Biological and agricultural sciences", 2021.

Number of the scientific articles: 38

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