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Laboratory of alkanotrophic microorganisms
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Laboratory of microorganisms' biochemical development
Laboratory of technogenic åcosystems ìicrobiology
Laboratory of cellular immunology and nanobiotechnology
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Laboratory of immunoregulation
Regional collection of alkanotrophic microorganisms
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  • Computerized system for visualization of microscopic images
    Light phase-contrast microscope “Axiostar plus”, Carl Zeiss, Germany
    Upright microscope ZEISS “Axio Imager M.2”, Carl Zeiss, Germany
    Six-megapixel CCD-camera “Axiocam 506 color”, Carl Zeiss, Germany
    Software “ZEN 3.1” (blue edition), Carl Zeiss, Germany
    Fluorescence microscope “MC 400 F”, MICROS, Austria
    Personal computer CLR based on Pentium IV processor
    Licensed software “VideoTesT-Size 5.0”, VideoTesT, Russia
    Color digital image input system “PRO-150ES”, Pixera, USA
    Color photo printer “Z615 Color Jetprinter”, Lexmark, China;

    • Laboratory equipment for cryopreservation and lyophilization of biological material
    Laboratory lyophilizer “OE-960”, LABOR MIM, Hungary
    Lyophilizer “Alpha 1-2 LD”, CHRICT GmbH, Germany
    Ultra-low temperature freezer (-86 C) “MDF-U4086S” with the “Back-up CVK-UB2” system, SANYO, Japan;

    • Analytical equipment
    Respirometer "Micro Oxymax", Columbus Instruments, USA
    Universal extraction system "B-811", Büchi Labortechnik AG, Switzerland
    Flash chromatography system "Sepacore® Easy Purification Systems", Büchi Labortechnik AG, Switzerland
    Polarograph "Polarographic Analyzer PA2", Czech Republic
    Spectrophotometer "Lambda EZ201", Perkin Elmer LLC, USA
    Tablet photometer "Multiskan ascent 354", Thermo Electron Corporation, USA
    Tablet shaker-incubator "Titramax 1000 - Inkubator 1000", HEIDOLPH-Instruments GmbH, Germany
    High-performance liquid chromatograph "LC-20 Prominence", Shimadzu, Japan
    Atomic absorption spectrometer "MGA-1000", GC "Lumex", Russia
    Moisture analyzer “MX-50”, A&D Co., LTD, Japan;

    •Equipment for genetic research
    Whole genome sequencer “MiSeq”, Illumina Inc., USA
    Spectrophotometer “NanoPhotometer N50”, Implen, Germany
    Fluorometer “Qubit 4”, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA
    Real-time amplifier “CFX Connect”, BIO-RAD Laboratories, USA
    Thermocycler "MJ Mini", BIO-RAD Laboratories, USA
    Centifuge “MiniSpin plus”, EPPENDORF GmbH, Germany
    Centifuge “Micro 22R”, HETTICH, Germany
    Centrifuge “Z 200A”, HERMLE Labor Technik GmbH, Germany
    Horizontal electrophoresis system “Sub-Cell GT”, BIO-RAD Laboratories, USA
    Homogenizer “FastPrep-24 5G”, MP Biomedicals, USA
    Vertical electrophoresis system “Protean II xi Cell”, BIO-RAD Laboratories, USA
    Cuvette electroporator “Gene Pulser Xcell”, BIO-RAD Laboratories, USA;

    •Basic equipment of a bacteriological laboratory
    Fermenter / bioreactor New BrunswickTM BioFlo®/ CelliGen® 115, Eppendorf AG, Germany
    Fermenter “ASS-DV”, OOO “GRAND”, Russia
    Centrifuge “4-5L”, SIGMA Laborzentrifugen GmbH, Germany
    Shaker-incubator “GFL 3033”, GFL mbH, Germany
    Shaker-incubator “CERTOMAT IS-25”, B. Braun International GmbH, Germany
    Shaker-incubator “CERTOMAT IS UHK-25”, Sartorius AG, Germany
    Colony counter SCIENCEWARE, USA
    Rotary evaporator “LABOROTA 4000”, HEIDOLPH-Instruments GmbH, Germany
    Electronic analytical scale “AUW 120D”, SHIMADZU, Japan
    Electronic scale “EK-3000i”, A&D Co., LTD, Japan
    Electronic scales “AC 100”, METTLER, Switzerland
    Thermostats, refrigeration chambers, fermenters
    High-performance computers.

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