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Tkachenko Aleksandr G.

Tkachenko Aleksandr G.

Subdivision: Laboratory of microorganisms' adaptation

Post: Dr.Sc. (Medicine), professor, Head of Laboratory of Microorganisms, professor of Chair of Microbiology and Immunology at Perm State National Research University, Vice-Chairman of the Dissertation Council

Tutuls: Dr. Sc. (medicine), professor

Phone: (342) 212-21-59

E-mail: agtkachenko_at_iegm.ru

Academic degree: Dr. Sc.

Code of specialty: 03.00.07 Microbiology (medical sciences)

Academic status: professor


Educational background

 1972 – graduated from Perm State Medical Institute, Degree Certificate with Distinction. 1980 – Candidate of Science (biology) with a specialization in 03.00.07 Microbiology. The first post-graduate student at the Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms. The thesis was related to the study of the microbial growth and development regulation. 1993 – Doctor of Sciences (medicine) with a specialization in 03.00.07 Microbiology and 03.00.04 Biochemistry.


Working career

 The scientific member of the Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms UB RAS since 1972. Since 1994 – professor of the Chair of Immunology and Microbiology at Perm State University. Supervisor of five successfully defended PhD theses. 1999 – conferred on the professor’s status.

Scientific interests:

Microbial growth regulation. Energetic state of a bacterial cell. Polyamines. Microbial response to stressful conditions. Antibiotic resistance. Microbial adaptive responses to oxidative, temperature, and acidic stress, osmotic shock, and carbohydrate and nitrogen starvation. RpoS-dependent stress responses.

Scientific societies and academies:

Actual member of International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Scieces, 1995.

Awards - premium, scientific ranks:

Holder of National Scholarship for outstanding scientists in Russia. I degree prize winner from Perm Krai for a series of papers titled “Mechanisms of microbial adaptation to stress”, 2003.

Awarded with Diplomas from the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Presidiums of the Ural Branch and Perm Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and with the Letter of Gratitude from the President of the City of Perm, 2007.

Number of the scientific articles: 140

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