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Laboratory of alkanotrophic microorganisms
Laboratory of microorganisms' adaptation
Laboratory of physiology and genetics of microorganisms
Laboratory of molecular biotechnology
Laboratory of microorganisms' biochemical development
Laboratory of technogenic еcosystems мicrobiology
Laboratory of cellular immunology and nanobiotechnology
Laboratory of ecological immunology
Laboratory of immunoregulation
Regional collection of alkanotrophic microorganisms
Chair of microbiology and immunology
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Historical Note
Main Fields of Research Activities
Scientific Council
Leading Research Assistants
Services of institute
Trade Union Committee

Main Fields of Research Activities

Institute fulfils the fundamental investigations in accordance with the « Program of Fundamental Scientific Investigations for 2008 – 2012», the Main Directions of Fundamental Investigations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Programs of the Fundamental Investigations of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and approved key directions of the Institute’s activity, as well as it implements the scientific projects within the programs of the fundamental research of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Target Programs to support the interdisciplinary projects, and Federal Target Programs and grants.

The scientific workers of the institute are involved in implementation of international, federal, regional programs, as well as in different programs of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and in Integration Programs with the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The scientific investigations are supported by the grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

The institute maintains and develops the scientific links with the scientists from the United Kingdom, Hungary, Denmark, USA, and other countries.

Results of scientific work and outstanding contributions to microbiology, biotechnology, and immunology were appreciated in awarding research workers with government awards (Medal to Order), honorary titles (“Honored Worker of Science in Russian Federation”), the prizes after the outstanding scientists in Perm Region namely P.Ja. Yasnitsky, V.N. Prokoshev, G.A. Maksimovich, and diplomas from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Administration of Perm Region and Perm Scientific Centre. The young scientists of the Institute were awarded with medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences for a series of scientific investigations.

Basic Scientific Directions

Structure and functioning of microbial communities. Assessment of the role of microorganisms in biosphere processes. Creation of the collection of strains of natural microorganisms.

Molecular-genetic mechanisms of microorganisms' adaptation to stressor factors. Regulation of growth and development of microorganisms under experimental conditions and in natural ecosystems.

Examination of natural and modified microorganisms being promising for biotechnology of obtaining the chemical substances and for environmental protection from pollution.

Study of mechanisms for the immune system functioning under different effects and states of macroorganism. Working out the novel methods for immune diagnostics and immune correction.
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